Memory of Soi 164

A hundred and sixty four, a cherished refrain,
Whispers in my mind, gently etched like a stain.
In numbers and dreams, it dances with delight,
A mystical symphony, casting shadows of the night.

A hundred and sixty four, where memories reside,
In a place once called home, where my heart would confide.
Every now and then, it surfaces with grace,
A glimpse of the past, a tender embrace.

A hundred and sixty four, a familiar street,
Where laughter echoed and footsteps would meet.
In days gone by, beneath the sun’s golden gleam,
We wove tales of joy, like an enchanting dream.

A hundred and sixty four, a thread that intertwines,
With the essence of a soul, where love aligns.
For there, in that Soi, where destiny would deliver,
Resides a special someone, my heart’s forever river.

A hundred and sixty four is the Soi where she also lives,
A tapestry of fate, where destiny forgives.
In that numbered haven, our paths intertwine,
A union of hearts, an eternal valentine.

So let the echoes of a hundred and sixty four,
Carry our story, forever to explore.
In that sacred realm, where our love will endure,
A hundred and sixty four, a testament pure.